Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The Academy of Integrated Christian Studies (AICS) seeks to fulfill the following objectives:
(a) to train men and women for the practice of Christian ministry for our time;
(b) to help students in achieving a critical and reflective understanding of Christian faith and in discerning the implications of that faith for the church, society and the lives of individuals;
(c) to equip students with the required skills and knowledge for the leadership in the church and society;
(d) to train students for missionaries to do the task of evangelization, church planting and transformation of society in and out side of north east India.
(e) to promote the spirit of ecumenism among various denominational churches in the region, for which various Protestant churches in North East India shall be invited to support AICS and thereby become members of the Governing Board;
(f) to work together with other theological colleges in North East India and the Central University of Mizoram for the promotion of co-operation and academic interest,
(g) to form Mizoram theological consortium with the other theological colleges in the region and thereby offer Post-Graduate courses for the development of theological education in North East India;
(h) to develop the knowledge and skill of the people in music and singing, especially the indigenous tribal music and songs,
(i) to study and address socio-economic issues such as sexism, poverty, ecological crisis, drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, tribal conflict, etc. to built a just, harmonious and sustainable society.

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