Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As we are committed to academic excellence as well as practical skill training, the practical ministry is carried out in three levels:

(1) Social ministry: Students, particularly the first year B.D are engaged in the ministry to Jail, social centres such as rehabilitation centre, orphanage homes, hospitals etc.
(2) Chaplaincy and Counseling: Students, particularly the second year B.D and M. Div students are sent to Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, for training in chaplaincy and counseling.
(3) Ministry in Mission Fields: Students, particularly the final year students are sent to various mission fields to be engaged with people of other faith and help missionaries in their work.


The following Programs which are planned to be implemented and the Programs being carried out right now here in AICS are:

1. Normal Theological Education: The normal theological education of the B.D Course of the Senate of Serampore is offered.

2. Missionary Training:
(a) M.A Missiology which is now called M. Div in Mission (Master of Divinity in Mission) for three and half years.
(b) Missionary Orientation for three months.
(c) Diploma in Educational Science (DES) for teachers in Christian schools is to be offered.

3. Ministerial Training:
(a) Ministerial orientation which is a six month course for those who are going to join ministry as probationary pastor is being offered.
(b) Lay leadership for evangelists, church leaders, youth and women leaders is being offered.
(c) Ministers refreshers course meant for pastors is yet to be started.

4. School of Music: A full fledged course is yet to be started but now a short course for a week is offered with the help of friends from Singapore.

These projects shall be a significant contribution to the churches in Mizoram


The Academy of Integrated Christian Studies (AICS) seeks to fulfill the following objectives:
(a) to train men and women for the practice of Christian ministry for our time;
(b) to help students in achieving a critical and reflective understanding of Christian faith and in discerning the implications of that faith for the church, society and the lives of individuals;
(c) to equip students with the required skills and knowledge for the leadership in the church and society;
(d) to train students for missionaries to do the task of evangelization, church planting and transformation of society in and out side of north east India.
(e) to promote the spirit of ecumenism among various denominational churches in the region, for which various Protestant churches in North East India shall be invited to support AICS and thereby become members of the Governing Board;
(f) to work together with other theological colleges in North East India and the Central University of Mizoram for the promotion of co-operation and academic interest,
(g) to form Mizoram theological consortium with the other theological colleges in the region and thereby offer Post-Graduate courses for the development of theological education in North East India;
(h) to develop the knowledge and skill of the people in music and singing, especially the indigenous tribal music and songs,
(i) to study and address socio-economic issues such as sexism, poverty, ecological crisis, drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, tribal conflict, etc. to built a just, harmonious and sustainable society.


AICS is established with a mission to provide a Contextual, Biblical, Holistic and Quality theological education to men and women in order to meet the need of the churches in the twenty first century in North East India. Its commitment to the development of contextual theological education is to study and address issues arising from the context so that theological education may become relevant and effective. Its commitment to biblical theological education means loyalty to the biblical principle and values. Its commitment to Holistic Theological Education is indicated by the name of the College itself that AICS shall co-ordinate various programs to meet the needs of the churches in North East India. Its commitment to quality education means striving for maintaining the highest quality it could afford in all its programs from its inception. In all its activities, the name of the Lord alone shall be praised.

About AICS

AICS is one of the two Theological Colleges (affilliated to Senate of Serampore College) in Mizoram run by Baptist Church of Mizoram. The college is established in the year 2000 under the leadership of Prof.Dr.RL. Hnuni as the founder Principal. The term “Academy” is used to express our commitment to quality education; “Integrated” is used to express the various programs we intend to integrate such as Theological Training, Missionary Training, Ministerial Training, Music Training and Research and Development; “Christian” is used to express the underlying value and the broader approach of theological education we intend to do.