Sunday, January 13, 2013

Retreat 2013: Transformed Life

The beginning of the year 2013 here at AICS is marked by ‘Two Days Retreat’ (11th -13th January) with the theme ‘Transformed Life: Renewal of Minds in Christ’ and Upa Dr. KL Biakchungnunga, Baptist Higher Secondary School, Serkawn as the retreat speaker. It is the prayer of the AICS that students, faculty and staff will begin counting this New Year with renewed minds as Paul exhorts in his letter to the Romans, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2).

Celebrating 119th Anniversary of the Gospel in Mizoram

Baptist Church of Mizoram, Gilead (Local Church) and AICS jointly celebrate the 119th Anivarsary of the arrival of the pioneer missionareis (Rev. FW Savidge and Rev. JH Lorrain) who laid the foundation of the Gospel here in Mizoram at Pastor Thanzinga Chapel, AICS. The two pioneer missionaries had arrived Mizoram (Changsil) on 11th January, 1894 as Arthington Aborigine Mission. Since 1940s the Mizo Christians celebrate 11th January as ‘Missionary Day’ as the mark of the entrance of the gospel of Christ here in Mizoram. The two pioneer missionaries are deserved to call ‘Father of Mizo Modern Society’ as they laid various foundations in the Mizo Society i.e. Education, Litterature, Health Care etc.

Happy New Year 2013

After a month of winter (Christmas) break, the college is re-opened on 4th January, 2013 with the arrival of students from their respective places. We hope and believe that this New Year, 2013 will bring prosperous and fruitful experiences to all the AICSians and well wishers of AICS.